本文摘要:論文申請延期修回容易嗎? 作者有正當(dāng)理由申請延期修回還是比較容易的,作者發(fā)表了論文后很少有直接被錄用的,往往多是要求作者進(jìn)行修改,而作者平時忙于工作,或者要求改動內(nèi)容較多,時間不夠,這時可申請延期修回論文,下面學(xué)術(shù)顧問也整理了一些申請論文延
郵件主題:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX]
Dear XXX,
Thanks for your email informing us that our manuscript entitled "XXX" (Manuscript ID: XXX ) is due for revision. We appreciate that you gave us a chance of major revision to improve our manuscript to a level suitable for publication in your journal. However, We need a new deadline extension for further revision. Could you please extend the deadline to XXX? Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
郵件主題:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX]
Dear XXX,
We are writing to you regarding our submitted article entitled“XXX”(Manuscript IDID-XXXXX), which is currently under revision. According to the reviewers’ suggestions and comments, we need to conduct more experiments for our manuscript.
We are afraid that we are not able to re-submit the revisions by the deadline (within XXX days). Therefore, we will be most grateful if you could extend the deadline, preferably, for XXXX, so that we can revise the manuscript more appropriately.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and kind assistance, and look forward to receiving your advice soon.
Kind regards,
郵件主題:Asking for extending the deadline [ID-XXXXX]
Dear XXX,
Thank you very much for your kind consideration of this manuscript . In order to fully revise the manuscript as required by referees, we need more time to finish this revision. So, we cordially ask for additional XXX days time for revising the manuscript. Please let us know if this is possible.
Kind regards,