本文摘要:本 英語語言學論文 以 Kress, G.和 van Leeuwen, T.的視覺語法及張德祿的模態(tài)互補關系理論為基礎,主要采用定性分析的方法,從《美麗中國》的片頭中選取 28 個典型鏡頭作為語料,對鏡頭中的典型畫格進行多模態(tài)分析和不同模態(tài)整合的深入探討! 世界建筑 》
本英語語言學論文以 Kress, G.和 van Leeuwen, T.的視覺語法及張德祿的模態(tài)互補關系理論為基礎,主要采用定性分析的方法,從《美麗中國》的片頭中選取 28 個典型鏡頭作為語料,對鏡頭中的典型畫格進行多模態(tài)分析和不同模態(tài)整合的深入探討!世界建筑》本著借鑒西方經驗,了解世界建筑發(fā)展狀況,挖掘普遍規(guī)律,探索我國建筑創(chuàng)作之路的宗旨,源源不斷地介紹國外建筑的新思想、新理論、新作品和新技術,為促進中國對世界其他國家和地區(qū)建筑的認識和研究,繁榮我國建筑創(chuàng)作,做出了巨大的貢獻。隨著我國改革開放的不斷深入和中國建筑的巨大變化,《世界建筑》順應潮流,把關注的目光也更多地投入到了中國建筑,給《世界建筑》注入了新的活力。
1.1 Research Background
“Language is defined as a social semiotic as well as a means of verbal communication. It is instrumental in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act” (Hu, 2006, p. 3). Since the American linguist Harris (1952) puts forward the definition of Discourse Analysis, scholars of different fields from all over the world have been trying to explore how language works to generate potential implications in discourse. Under the influence of continuous change in lifestyle, language is not the only way for people to communicate with each other. Some other modes like actions, sounds, images, gestures and colors are used to express definite meanings as well. What’s more, driven by multimedia, the integration of different semiotic resources makes it possible to convey one’s own thought or even influence others’ behaviors in teaching field, commercial field and so on. Therefore, the study of how various semiotic modes unite for meaning implementation is no more restricted to language itself in discourse analysis. Multimodality is supposed to be taken into consideration and Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA for short) emerges at the right moment. In addition, Kress and van Leeuwen’s (1996, 2006) Visual Grammar makes great contributions to this research field.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
Previous studies of MDA have mostly concentrated on analyzing static materials, such as architecture, posters, textbooks, logos and so on. Recently, some scholars set about doing researches on dynamic corpora like films, advertisements and ppt. As a part of dynamic video corpora, title sequences in Wild China are also a good perspective for scholars to study. Therefore, this study intends to testify the feasibility of MDA theory on analyzing the title sequences of TV documentaries and discover the way in which potential meanings are constructed and the way how title sequences of Wild China appeal to their audience under the theory of MDA. The present study is of great significance both theoretically and practically: Theoretically speaking, it is supposed to broaden the research scope of MDA, which is not limited to dynamic corpora like films and advertisemen
ts. It sheds light on people that the combination of Visual Grammar and complementary relationship theory of modes is efficient in analyzing title sequences of TV documentaries. Moreover, our understanding of the MDA theory will be deepened. In view of practical significance, this research will provide the audience with a new perspective for appreciation that different modes can cooperate to achieve meta-functions and what’s more, the producers’ intention can be obtained by viewers successfully. In addition, it will have profound guiding significance for title sequences of Chinese TV documentaries in the aspect of self-improvement and ratings advancement. Last but not least, it will enlighten Chinese TV documentaries on exploring the international market.
In this chapter, it is attempted to present a brief review of the previous studies. Firstly, the definition of multimodality both abroad and at home will be reviewed and then the author’s understanding of this term “multimodality” will be stated as well. Secondly, the literature review of theoretical and empirical studies of MDA will be presented in detail. Thirdly, previous studies on title sequences, TV Documentaries and Wild China from different research fields will be reviewed. At last, the author will reveal some limitations in previous studies and then state the emphasis of this research.
2.1 Overview of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
With the rapid improvement and increasing prevalence of modern technology, a variety of semiotic systems have been used to spread and exchange information as they can make up for the meanings that language itself cannot convey, which consequently makes expression become more complete, explicit and accurate than ever. Therefore, more and more linguists and scholars set out to explore the roles which all sorts of semiotic systems have been playing in various discourses and as a result, multimodal discourse analysis becomes a research concern. Before the term of multimodality is formed, some vague concepts have been put forward by linguists. Halliday (1985, p. 4) points out that in addition to language, there are many other ways of