本文摘要:本 英文論文范文 主要內容是針對英國航空公司的運營管理提出相應的改善意見,并且通過各種理論支持這種意見。推薦閱讀:《 現代管理論壇 》是一本為企業管理及相關理論服務的社會學期刊。該刊不僅涵蓋了管理理念,還涉及對不同業務與企業管理發展趨勢的解讀
Operations management is very concern of business area with the production of goods and services, and involves to ensure the responsibility that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is also concerned to manage the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labour and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and services). Operations traditionally refers to the production of goods and services indivudually. Operations Management aims to increase the content of value-added activities in any process.
The origins of operations management can be traced back through cultural changes of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including the Industrial Revolution, the development of interchangeable manufacture, the Waltham-Lowell system, the American system of manufacturing, scientific management , the development of assembly line practice and mass production etc.
Always Operations management focuses on very carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute the products and services in the market among customers. So like every organization, British Airways Plc has an operation function to involve the service, operation procedures to its customers or its clients. In recent economic environment, airline facing worst time now a days in aviation history where the British airways is set to suffer in its operation management though it is considered as the world's favourite airline. Recently this organization is facing a numerous difficulties in their corporate sector which effects their operations management specially performance, reliability, maintenance etc. This study represents the operations management of British Airways plc in the recent financial environment. It also critically analyses these factors in which key factors of operations management for evaluation and provides some recommendations as an action plan.
History of British Airways:
British Airways is the UK's largest international scheduled airline, flying to over 550 destinations at convenient times, to the best located airports. British Airways is the world's leading global airlines. Whether customers are in the air or on the ground, British Airways takes pride in providing a full service experience. The British Airways group consists of British Airways Plc and a number of subsidiary companies including in particular British Airways Holidays Limited. It carries more passengers than any of its competitors and it is also the seventh biggest cargo airline in the globe.
British Airways PLC is the largest international airline in the world. It is based at Heathrow Airport in London, the busiest international airport in the world and it has a global flight network with such partners as USAir in the United States, Qantas in Australia, and TAT European Airlines
in France. British Airways serves 95 million passengers a year using 441 airports in 86 countries and more than 1,000 planes. It has more than 60,000 employees in around 100 countries globally.
Aims and objectives:
To provide a critical evaluation on British Airways operations management
To justify the British Airways action plans involved with operation management.
And to recommend an action plan to improve operations management.
Secondary data has been used in this study because of easily accessible. Sometimes it can be best method of obtaining information for some specific area when it is difficult to get the direct collection data.
Problems facing in its operations:
Branson filed suit against British Airways in 1991 so various filed suits damaged British Airways' reputation and led to comments 'BA now looks like an anxious, overbearing giant trying to squash a feisty little rival.' With its Virgin difficulties continuing, British Airways' overseas partners suffered huge losses: in 1993 Qantas lost $271 million, while in 1994 TAT lost $60 million and USAir lost $350 million. Even though British Airways was struggling with its alliance strategy, the real test of its global strategy lay ahead with the long-awaited 1997 deregulation of the European airline industry.
British Airways leads a wide range of routes in the world. Recently the Heathrow based airline has enlarged terminal for holding their image, which is Terminal 5. According to a study by the association of European Airlines, starting during their operation periods BA has lost the luggage of an average of 9 passengers on every jumbo jet flight in 2008. BA was bound to force to cancel more then 200 flights in the days following the opening of terminal 5 after computer log-on failure for luggage handle sparked chaos.
There is the global slowdown in the travel industry after global recession Bookings were sharply down even before the atrocities committed in New York and Washington. International travel reservations company Amadeus reported that airline bookings had slumped 28% worldwide, and by 74% in the United States alone. The biggest problem is a sharp fall in first class and business class passengers. Cargo volume declined 9.8 percent (http://www.joc.com/node).
If staff - angry over planned job cuts and changes to work patterns - opt to walk out, the earliest date for a strike could be December 21 2009. BA plans to reduce the existing number of 15 service crew members on long-haul flights by one later this month and has proposed a pay freeze for two years.
British Airways faces £250m threat to profits as open skies era takes off in terminal 5.
Investors are smarting as well. BA's shares currently trade at about 150 pence. In May 1997, they were priced at 760p.
Instead of breaking even this year - following a string of quarterly losses - analysts now expect the airline to report a £200m loss by the end of the year. In the past four months alone BA shares have lost more than 60% in value and 42% since the eve of the attacks.
Insurance costs are going up too, with several airlines including BAreporting that their insurers are demanding 10 times the normal premium.