《高等教育進程》 《高等教育進程》(ISSN刊號:2424-8428)衷心邀請來自世界各地的學者們投稿,來稿會進行同行評審。本刊屬開放獲取刊,可以即時查看或訪問研究結果,同時允許免費使用學者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版先進高等教育領域全面和最新發展的高質量
《高等教育進程》 《高等教育進程》(ISSN刊號:2424-8428)衷心邀請來自世界各地的學者們投稿,來稿會進行同行評審。本刊屬開放獲取刊,可以即時查看或訪問研究結果,同時允許免費使用學者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版先進高等教育領域全面和最新發展的高質量
l 批判性思維;
l 學術理論及進程;
l 實踐關系理論;
l 教師教育學;
l 課程學;
l 人才引進及開發;
l 校園氛圍研究;
l 學術文化;
l 語言;
l 持續研究動力;
l 即時審稿和最短時間內出版
l 提交的文章由全球著名審稿人通過環宇出版社網絡進行同行評議
l 作者擁有版權
l 研究結果通用存取和可見
l 提供大量數據庫索引和摘要索引
We represent Advances in Higher Education(ISSN NO.:2424-8428), sincerely invite any authors around the world to submit your manuscript to us, and also all of your articals will be peer-reviewed.This journal is kind of open publication,you could check and interview any informations in any time on it for results of the research,and also be free for quoting the results.This journal focused on publishing high quality academic papers on the latest and most comprehensive developments in teaching, learning and educational developments and the other related disciplines,and meanwhile which provide a platform for those researchers and professionals working in the field who could communicate and exchange any informations in time.
The article categories within the journal include (but are not limited to) the following fields:
Critical Thinking
Learning Theory and Processes
Theory Practice Relationship
Teacher Education
Campus Climate
Academic Culture
Persistence motivation
All authors need satisfy basic demand.This journal is in English, 2000 characters more or less and not less 4 spaces.All manuscripts will go through a rigorous peer-review by two highly qualified and experienced reviewers from our Editorial Board or an senior expert in relevant field. The final decision on manuscripts selected for publication will be made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Every procedure will be handled by the best editor.What our purpose is to be high efficiency and high level within the stipulated date,so authors must complete all the needed missions in time according to our suggestion.
Advances in Higher Education offer you the best choice.We look forward to a positive feedback from you. Kindly contact us if you have any further inquiries by call or other way you want.