邀稿函:國際地質學雜志(IJG) ISSN:2424-9416 《國際地質學雜志》衷心邀請來自世界各地的學者們投稿,來稿會進行同行評審。本刊屬開放獲取刊,可以即時查看或訪問研究結果,同時允許免費使用學者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版世界地質及相關領域全面和最新發
邀稿函:國際地質學雜志(IJG) ISSN:2424-9416 《國際地質學雜志》衷心邀請來自世界各地的學者們投稿,來稿會進行同行評審。本刊屬開放獲取刊,可以即時查看或訪問研究結果,同時允許免費使用學者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版世界地質及相關領域全面和最新發
l 作者擁有版權
l 文章可以分享、再次使用并免費歸檔
l 本刊堅持以開放獲取為指導方針,是一本引人注目的最新歸檔刊物
l 即時審稿指的是所有編輯及出版社以高質量結果為導向在最短時間內審稿
Call for Papers (Vol. 1, No. 1): International Journal of Geology
International Journal of Geology and the Editor-in-chief, invite all authors to submit their manuscripts to our newly launched journal, International Journal of Geology (IJG), for peer review.
IJG is an open access journal that allows immediate visibility and access for research outputs as well as free usage of researchers’ results. As the Journal is entitled International Journal of Geology, some relevant topics include but are not limited to:
l Geophysics;Geological chemistry;Geomorphology;Petrology;Volcanology;Planetary science;Mineralogy;Sedimentology;Plate tectonics;Recovery of natural resources;Geotechnical engineering;Numerical modelling;Climate change and earth science;Coastal Zone Management;Environmental Engineering;Oil & Gas Research;Environmental Geology;Economic Geology;Seismology;Mineral recovery;Hydrogeology
The journal is well-defined in rendering support to authors, including how:
l Authors may maintain their copyright.
l The articles can be shared, re-used, and archived without cost.
l Being consistent with important open access guidelines, the Journal is a compelling addition to the latest archiving procedures.
l Immediate processing refers to publication in minimum time. All editorial and publication work are directed towards high-quality results.
Submission can be made through the “Submit Your Manuscript” icon on the journal home page. By clicking on this, you will be directed to the Online Submission page and Author Guidelines.Alternatively, you may click on this hyperlink:
Authors should adhere to basic requirements, including word count. You will find the Manuscript Submission Template (download) in Word document extremely useful. Following this, you can upload your manuscript for peer-review.
All manuscripts will go through rigorous peer-reviews. Each manuscript will be reviewed by two academically qualified reviewers from the Editorial Board or from external links, and the Editor-in-Chief. To keep the Journal wide in scope and unrestrictive, we will generally be accepting manuscripts from different countries and from different authors. The decision regarding the outcome of manuscripts for publication will be determined by the Editor-in-chief.
All operational outcomes will be performed by PiscoMed dedicated editorial office to meet high degrees of efficiency and proper deadline administration. Hence, the author can follow through all necessary tasks promptly.
If you have questions regarding the criteria or if you encounter any difficult during submission, simply contact the IJG editorial office by email.